Sunday, January 19, 2014


R.I.P.D. Rest In Peace Department directed by Robert Schwentke, starring Jeff Bridges, Ryan Reynolds, Mary-Louise Parker, and Kevin Bacon.

This is one of the easier movies I've seen to break down: Men in Black dealing the dead instead of aliens and that about sums it all up. 

If you're in the mood for a Men in Black type of movie then this is the movie for you, just don't go in expecting anything else.

Ryan Reynolds is typical Ryan Reynolds as his acting career has taken a detour down the Keanu Reeves acting tree, so you know what you're going to get from him.  But the main reason to watch this film is for Jeff Bridges and Mary-Louie Parker.  They are simply brilliant and steal every scene they're in, even if they're acting.  They can just stand there and act rings around everyone else.  The story line should have been built around their characters who are lot more interesting and have way more interesting pasts that Reynolds and his bland, cliche ridden character.  Also seeing the acting on display when they are all together is worth it because Hollywood keeps pushing these monotone, non-acting hacks on us, when clearly there are people who can act rings around them.  Witness every scene with Bridges, Parker, and Reynolds and see who can act and who can't.  If the movie had been built around Bridges and Parker this movie would have been much better and wildly more enertaining considering the craziness of the concept but Bridges and Parker would have made it work because they pretty much did here. 

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