Thursday, January 9, 2014

Man of Steel

Man of Steel directed by Zack Snyder, starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Lawrence Fishburne, Michael Shannan, and Russel Crowe.

This is not a bad film, but no where is it a great film and somewhere under this film a great film is wanting to be made.  I did think it was way better than the Brian Singer directed and Brandon Roth starring Superman Returns though, which to me didn't really seem to add anything new to Superman, where as Man of Steel does instead of just retreading familiar grounds.  At least this film attempts something new to the Superman mythology.

Christopher Nolan's finger printers are all over this movie.  Even though he only produced it and had input in the screenplay, his influence can be felt throughout this movie.  I just wish he had been more in charge and directed the movie, then I think the final product would have been a much more focused movie than was delivered.  I just don't think Zack Snyder was the man for the job, his filmography just doesn't support the kind of material he was dealing with, with Man of Steel.   He seems to have a more juvenile attitude towards film making than the adult mindset needed for the themes floating around this Superman movie.

My one major disappoint with the movie was with how the casting was handled within the movie.  There's a great cast list, much like Nolan had with the Batman movies, but this movie squanders any acting for just out and out action and really no story progression.  I mean with this cast list I would have had all sorts of dialogue and acting scenes for them to be in to further move the story forward and develop characters.  I can just imagine how this movie would have turned out if these actors had actually been given something worth while to do besides just run, stand, or pose in most of the scenes.

In  a lot of ways this movie reminded me of the Richard Donner Superman, which upon seeing it later in my life, is one slow film that relies more on visuals to tell a story but those visuals don't mesh well with the overall story nor do flesh out Superman's characters.  He's a blank wall throughout the film.  At least Man of Steel attempts to do something different with the Superman mythology but I still felt the same way as to the visual and slowness of the movie.   Man of Steel isn't anywhere near on the same level as Nolan's Batman, which is a comparison this film will never live down.

One of things I really liked about this film was the out and out supermen brawl between Jor-El and General Zod, which was everything a super brawl would be if it really happened.  The out and out destruction I thought was great and I did find myself engaged with the characters in this fight.  I don't know why people had such a hard time with this fight, because if two people with this much power did fight, it would be something like this and collateral damage would be insane.

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