Planet Terror written and directed by Robert Rodriguez, starring Bruce Willis, Rose McGowan, Josh Brolin, Naveen Andrews, Freddy Rodriguez, and Michael Beihn.
This movie can be summed in one line: Girl with a machine gun leg. Granted that doesn't happen till way over half way through the movie, but when it does the movie goes all out crazier than it already has, thus making the machine gun leg all the more welcome.
This movie is bad. The dialogue is bad. The story line? Well there really isn't any story line beyond the cliched zombies taking over and people fight back storyline. But that's the whole point of the movie as it harkens back to the good (bad?) old days of the lower than B movie level of movies, called the Grindhouse movie. On the rating board I would say it's in the Z level range. Robert Rodriguez knows this and runs with it in full force and has a complete blast making this movie. Bad dialogue? Yup, it's real bad but it's all on purpose as every bad or terrible line the movie is done in the spirit of the Grindhouse film, so everything done in this movie is for a reason. There's even a point where a section of the film goes missing and a good chunk of the story line is bypassed (it couldn't have happened at a more inappropriate time either, in my opinion). It's all part of the fun of this movie. Don't get me wrong I had a blast watching this movie and laughed out loud several times such is the craziness on display here.
Rodriguez does what you're supposed to do when making a film like this, go all the way on the insanity and don't look back, not for once. So he does with never an over the shoulder look. He keeps his face always looking forward. He completely bathes in the awfulness of what he's making and so doe every actor and actress in the movie. They chew the terrible dialogue like with a seriousness or corniness that completely sells the movie and their 2 dimensional with little or no effort. I could tell everyone in this movie was having a good time. I think Rose McGowan had the best time when she finally got the machine gun on her leg as she just went crazy. I also think Freddy Rodriguez had a fun time play against type as an all out bad ass. He delivered his lines and presented his character with dramatic presentation of an action star of the 80's. It was also really refreshing to see Michael Beihn acting again as it's been a long time since I'd seen him in a movie. I didn't realize how much I missed him.
But the bulk of this movie is all Robert Rodriguez. I've got to admit I don't really like all of his movies but I've got some respect for him as his movies don't go over budget and generally look better than what they cost, which is something Hollywood just doesn't understand. He makes movies he likes and doesn't give a damn about what Hollywood thinks, for that he will always get my respect. Much like the Cohen brothers, whose movies I don't always like but they seem to just make the films they want to make without giving any thought to Hollywood. Neither one of them (the Cohen brothers nor Rodriguez) seem to get caught up in their own hype (paging Tarantino) nor do they make movies that diverge in pretentiousness (paging Spielberg and any number of directors directing now who seem to make movies just to win the affection of the Hollywood elite).
All and in all it was a fun movie to watch. I had a good time with this comedy/horror/gore-infested/action movie.
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