Ender's Game written (for the screen) and directed by Gavin Hood, starring Asa Butterfield, Hailee Steinfeld, Harrison Ford, Abigail Breslin, Viola Davis, and Ben Kinsley.
Honestly I didn't really like this movie. It moved way to fast over Orson Scott Card's story, which for the record is one my top 10 books of all time (and also for the record its sequel Speaker for the Dead is paired up with Ender's Game and is one of the best sequels ever made). Needless to say I had a lot baggage going into this movie as it pertained to the story. I've read the book at least 3 times so I'm very close to this story and am totally the wrong person to see this movie but being a fan of the book I had to give it a try.
Personally, I think they should have made the book into a mini-series on television because then all of themes and ideas from the book could have been explored in a lot more detail, rather than the cliff notes version the movie turned out to be. I don't even think they tone or over all feel of the movie matches that of the book. Everything just felt rushed in the movie and I also thought the set designs and production value were a little to slick and polished that they caused the movie to verge on looking fake making the tone feel more like the Lucas version of the Star Wars prequels rather than the passion of the original trilogy. Only near the end of the movie, when they get to the the Bugger planet, does the sets really seem to look more lived in and not so stylish but by that time they had really lost my interest and it was too late. Other than that I'd skip this movie and just read the book, you'll get much more out of the book experience.
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