The Counselor directed by Ridley Scott, written by Cormick McAurthor, starring Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, and Javier Bardem.
Riddley Scott drops another stinker. He's the director's equivalent of the emperor's new clothes: his films always look good but there's absolutely no substance there just beautiful scenery and production design disguising the nothingness of the storyline there. All the actors in the movie do a good job of the terrible screenplay they've been given. But even their acting can't make anything out of the motivations or lack of any information given about these characters. This is a boring, plodding film that was a waste of the 2 hours I spent watching it - but it does look good, which is I guess a metaphor for Hollywood itself. As the continue to churn out slick and glossy movie all the time that have no substance hoping the production and money they've spent on it will mask the nothingness that really lurks in the movie.
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