Saturday, May 17, 2014


Hounded by Kevin Hearne.

I've been looking for a good urban fantasy series since I started reading The Dresden Files but alas I haven't found anything even coming close to matching what Butcher has done with Dresden.  For some reason all of the urban fantasy seems to want to be like Dresden: there's some kind mystery that needs to be solved by a detective.  Originality seems be lacking in urban fantasy just like it is in the other fantasy books as well.  But they always forget that the main character needs to be interesting because that character is the person telling the story and guiding the reader through the fantastical world.  Sadly enough most of these characters aren't all that interesting even though the world they populate is.

I can finally say I have found a series that has peaked my interest more than the others, without a doubt.  There was no main mystery to solve in this first book just a Druid and his faithful Irish Wolf Hound fighting the past of his being 2000 years old.  The fat his is 2000 years old really intrigued me and Hearne pulled it off by making him very interesting and full of charisma as would befit a 2000 person.  I'm not going to say much more but that I am looking forward to reading the next volumes in this series.

This first book in the series did everything a first book is supposed to do: peak my interest, want to continue reading in the series, and have the guide of the books be interesting enough to want to follow.  Things happen in this book that are going to carry over into the next books in the series, which is just what the doctor ordered, considering how Butcher has got his claws in me hook, line, and sinker when it comes to stories like this.  I really like the continuation aspect of these stories because I really get to see the world thrive and live.  I have a real connection to it much like I get with a really good TV show.

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