Sabotage written and directed by David Ayer, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington, Joe Manganiello, Josh Holloway, Terrance Howard, Max Martini, Mireille Enos, Olivia Williams, and Harold Perrineau.
This is just a straight up action movie that is way better than most of the movies that get pushed on viewers and passed as "action" movies. I really liked the first 45 minutes or so of this movie but the last half of the movie I felt betrayed a lot of the things that had set up the movie. I kind of wish the movie had explored more of the bond between Schwarzenegger and his crew because that was the heart of the movie. Once it got away from that I felt the movie wasn't near as good as it started out being. Not a bad way to spend a near two hours and it has a good old fashioned action movie feel.
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