Godzilla (2014) directed by Gareth Edwards, starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston, and Ken Watanabe.
There's not much for storyline here but what the movie lacks in story line it completely makes up with mood and visuals. I was completely sold on how this movie brought Godzilla to life as it went completely in the opposite direction as the other dreadful remake.
The actors do well with what material they have but the true star of this movie is Godzilla and Edwards direction. He tells a good story that strives for realism and achieves it, showing how it would be if monsters this large actually attacked and walked through a city. This is not a happy go lucky movie but the trailers for this movie never once came across that way, thus leaving Edwards to do as he pleased. I will give him a hand, he did a great job. And if you happened to have seen his other low budget movie Monsters, you could tell from that movie that he was a director to keep an eye on. From this movie all of those thoughts were justified.
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