Kingsman: The Secret Service directed by Matthew Vaughan, starring Colin Firth, Samuel Jackson, Mark Strong, Michael Cain.
This is basically just a movie to kick back and have good time watching. It doesn't take itself too seriously and knows what kind of movie it is. It is completely over the top but it knows this and just rolls with it, like a movie that is going to be that. This movie isn't trying to reinvent the wheel as it harkens back the fun times of the Sean Connery and Roger Moore James Bond movies.
It was also fun to watch Colin Firth in an action film. I never thought I'd see him one and does a great job. It was much like it was watching Helen Mirren in Red. He helped to sale this movie as he played around with the suave British spy.
Make no mistake though this movie is extremely violent. One scene in particular was insanely violent but I will point out that scene did have a purpose storyline-wise and wasn't just there for the violent aspect of it. It did serve a purpose.
So when this movie comes out on DVD, just sit back, put it in the player, and have a good time watching it.
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