Predestination written and directed by the The Spierig Brothers, starring Ethan Hawk, Sarah Snook, and Noah Taylor.
This movie deals with time travel in an intelligent way. It is low budget but it doesn't let the limited budget hinder the story line because this is a movie about characters and the characters move the story line forward to its conclusion.
Hawk and Snook carry this movie as their characters' past, present, and future are told throughout this movie. It's low budget movies like this I really like because they aren't focused on pretentiousness or a political agenda but on making a good movie.
The only down side I found to this movie was I thought the conclusion was a little to predictable and I think they could have found a better way around some of the more obvious camera tricks they used to hind the villain. This made discovering the ending a little to easy and kind of took away from the story as it progressed. But none-the-less it was a good watch, not too long, paced just right, and not taking itself too seriously.
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