Cinderella directed by Kenneth Branagh, starring Kate Blanchett, Lily James, Richard Madden, Helen Bonham Carter, Ben Chaplin, Hayley Atwell, and Derek Jacobi.
Not much to say about these new Disney films as they bring live action to their animated classic cartoons. Same story line as the previous cartoon only now its all done with live action. This movie looks good and will most likely appeal the audience Disney is aiming for. I still think these movies are doing two things:
1 - They are letting Disney be lazy in just making new movies from old movie ideas all to make more money, which I can't blame them if they end up making money off of it because technically it's all free money to them. That being said I just wish Disney would come out say that's why their doing these movie because then I would have more respect for them if the did. I can understand the concept of making money versus the tired Hollywood excuses: of wanting to bring this story to a wider audience than before,wanting to explore other avenues of the story, or wanting to see how it would play out in live action versus animation. Translation, we want more money. At least that is a mentality that anyone can get behind.
2 - These are movies that are going to let actors and actresses play around with acting against type or being a Disney fairy tale with more than just their voice.
I personally thought this movie was rather forgettable but even after saying this it was visually stunning with Branagh doing his good job of directing and it does make for a good family time spent with kids - especially if they are girls.
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