Jumper directed by Doug Liman, starring Hayden Christensen, Jamie Bell, Rachel Bilson, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Rooker, and Diane Lane.
I hadn't seen this film since it first came out in 2008. I remember liking it at the time and I've got to say time has been very kind to this film. I don't think it's aged all that bad.
It is by no means a perfect film. Some of the things story line wise need to be answered along with some character motivations both on the good guy and bad guy side that didn't make a lot sense and needed some more perspective - doing this would have made the characters a lot more believable and the story line flow even better.
But despite these few flaws what I did like about this movie is that it broke from the normal cliched version of super hero story lines by presenting a character who uses his power for selfish reasons instead of noble, heroic reasons. This did make for a refreshing break from a typical superhero story and made the main character a lot more relate able. Another thing, this movie has a perfect run time of just over an hour and half - not to long nor to short and by the end of the movie it leaves a feeling of wanting more. I've got to say this again, as I've said before, Jamie Bell is a really good actor. When his characters finally shows up in the movie, in full force, he brings an energy and enthusiasm to the movie that was previously lacking. His character is wholeheartedly interesting - even more so than the main character and Jamie Bell seems to be having a ball playing him. Every scene he isn't in after he fully arrives the film seems lacking with intensity - such is the nature of his ability.
A good movie worth seeing more than once.
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