Black Mass directed by Scott Cooper, starring Johnny Depp, Joel Edgerton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dakota Johnson, Kevin Bacon, Peter Sarsgaard, and Adam Scott.
There is a good movie lurking in this jumbled, mediocre movie that was made instead. The good movie would have been two stories. One about Whitey Bulger's risen empire in Boston and other would have been about the FBI agent who helped him achieve this power. There are flashes of this story in the mess we have but nothing of it's substance is ever given light, that is shame because it could have one great mob story. All the actors, direction, and production design serve the movie well, it's just the lack of focus of the screen plays lets everyone involved down.
This is also one of Johnny Depp's best performances in years where he isn't doing some kind parody of himself. But other than that most of actors in this movie are wasted by the terrible screenplay.
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