Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Nemo: Heart of Ice

Nemo: Heart of Ice written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Kevin O'Neill.

This is one of the best stories Moore has written set in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen world.  I didn't so much like his three book set in a specific time periods over the decades and centuries in the League world.  But this story has everything the first League book had and that made it great - passion, adventure, exploration, and good characters.  Moore really took his time crafting the character of Nemo's daughter. 

Exploration is the main theme of this story and Moore uses the isolated barrenness and whiteness of Antarctica to cement this story and the wonders Nemo's crew finds as they travel along the charted map of the original Captain Nemo.  The wonders they find are quite intriguing and have a hint of Ellis' Planetary, which isn't a bad thing by any means.  

The only downfall of this book is that I wished it had been longer - a six or more issue mini-series would have even made it better because then Moore could have explored the main characters even more.  Other than the shortness of the story this is a good addition to the League world and of course this story really let O'Neill showcase his gorgeous art as it perfectly gels with the writing of Moore.

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