All Star Superman Vol 1 and 2 written by Grant
Morrison and illustrated by Frank Quietly.
Over the years I've been
deluged with all sorts of comic media telling me how great a writer
Grant Morrison is. So, I've gone out and read a lot his works - and by a lot, I mean I've read a lot - the end result of this reading
comes to the conclusion that he is one of the most overrated writers
writing comics today. This comic is proof of that. The pacing is too quick
for the plot, characters are introduced too fast and with little time to
get to get know them before their gone and story quickly moves on.
This comic should have been much longer, than I think it would have been
much better, as Morrison would be able to explore the ideas he came up with for
this series, in more detail. But Morrison has does this countless times with countless comics I've read from him. He invests too much in ideas and not enough in storyline and characters. His stories are also too small when they should be much larger to fully explore every idea he brings up. He writes short stories when his should be writing novels. Joe the Barbarian and Flex
Mentallo are two of the prime examples of this.
I also think it's
funny that one of his best comics ever is We3, which has hardly any
dialogue and is told mostly through images. It is easily his best work. The more I think about this though I don't think it's Morrison's
writing that made that book work. It was Frank Quietly's art that make
We3 and it's Frank Quietly's art that also makes most of Morrison's work shine.
If anything I think Morrison is riding on the coat tails of Quietly. There's just something about Quitely's off kilter art work that seems just
amazing because he truly doesn't draw like anyone else in comics. He has his own unique style. The many times he's been paired with Morrison
has been some of the most visually amazing comic art I've seen in a
long time. This series is just another example of how good Quietly is at
drawing anything. Don't read this book for the story, read it for the
art and enjoy seeing one of the best artist in comics today. Give
Quietly more work to do and would some please put him with a good
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