Monday, July 29, 2013


Valkyrie directed by Bryan Singer, starring Tom Cruise, Kenneth Branagh, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, Terence Stamp, and Eddie Izzard.

This was a weird movie to watch.  It was entertaining but not really that great.  It was highly watchable, not just because of the actors involved in the production, but also Singer brings a visual style that is slick and glossy.  This movie looks awesome.  But after saying all of that, there just seems to be something missing from this movie to make it that much better.  I don't know what that something is, but it is definitely missing.

The movie is about a group of German military people who are trying to kill Hitler, and this movie is about their last attempt to kill him.  The movie unwisely tries to focus on this attempted assassination attempt, as it tries to wring every once of tension and suspense from this situation.  That is one major flaw, because there no tension here, I already know these Germans don't assassinate Hitler, so no matter how much the filmmakers want there to be tension, there can never be that much tension.  I already know the outcome.

I personally think the movie should have focused more on the people in the movie.  Make me care about the people involved, then whatever happens will affect me more, because I've become emotionally invested in the characters.  Argo did this much better and was thus able to make the tension and suspense work better.  They made me care about Ben Affleck's characters even though I didn't know a great deal about him, I knew enough to care about him and what he was doing.  What amazes about not focusing on the people in the movie is that there is some great actors in this movie and to not have them dive into their characters and flesh them out for the audience, is a great crime.  Because as it stands, right now, they are one of the reasons this movie is so watchable.  Virtually every frame of this movie has at least on of them in it, even one of them is better than a movie full Hollywood wannabe-up-and-coming stars that they keep force feeding down the public's throat.  Imagine if they would have been given more room to breath life into these characters?  I think this movie could have that much better.

For a Tom Cruise starring movie, this is one of his most un-Cruiser movies that he's ever done.  There's no scene of him running.  There's no scene of him barring his hairless chest.  In fact he plays the whole movie as a disfigured character with a patch over his missing eye, his right arm blow off and only two remaining fingers on his left hand.  In all actuality he does a good job of acting and that's with the high caliber of actors that are surrounding him in virtually ever scene this movie.

All in all it wasn't a bad night of watching a movie, but it wasn't the best night.  If you're looking for an entertaining movie to pass the time, you could do much worse than this movie, but don't forget there are also better movies than this one out there.

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