Charlie Bartlett directed by Jon Poll, starring Anton Yelchin, Robert Downing, Jr, Hope Davis, and Kat Dennings.
There's not really much to say about this film. It's just a fun movie that's lite on the comedy and lite on the drama but mixes them together well enough to make a movie that's quite entertaining.
It's a typical Hollywood movie about fitting in, coming to find and understand who you are as a person. There's really nothing about this film that shouts originality. I could easily compare this movie with another movie I watched a few months ago, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. They both kind of have this same theme running through it but Wallflower is a standout film whereas Batlett has a clone mentality to it that doesn't really try anything new.
Everything about this movie hangs on the shoulders of the actor, Anton Yelchin, who plays Charlie Bartlett and he serves the movie well as he helps to make Charlie an interesting character and very likeable, which is Charlie's main goal in like anyhow. The other thing that helps this movie along is all the other actors and actresses. They really lend a hand in this movie being entertaining. If you're just looking for something light weight for the night to digest you can't go wrong with this movie as it will entertain you for a good 90 minutes. This is a movie about the main character wanting want to fit in and be liked by everyone, the movie honestly fits in all too well with the other movies of its genre.
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