Europa Report directed by Sebastian Cordero, starring Sharlto Copley and Michael Nyquvist.
These are the kinds of movies I don't like but I went into this movie wanting to see it based on a bunch of reviews I'd read about this film, saying it was good. This is basically a "found footage" film and it has all the trappings and everything else that goes with that. I've only seen one "found footage" that was anything worth talking about, Chronicle. Other than that most of these types of films seem to devoid of any all characters, tend to have little or no real camera angles at all, and tend to leave me wanting a lot more than the sum of all their parts. Europa Report fits into the this category perfectly.
I never got to know any of the crew that went on this mission so when they started dying off, I didn't really care because the movie never gave me anything to care for them. This seems to be the case with most independent/low budget film. They seem to ride an idea they have and put everything into that idea or they want to push an agenda and ride that agenda or they want to be edgy and arty and push everything into being shocking and pretentious/interpretive. The end result being they always forget about the characters or story being told, not seeming to realize that the best way to get an idea across to a viewer is to create characters, have the viewer care about them, and then the idea will come across organically instead of feeling forced.
Europa Report isn't trying to be edgy, arty, or push any agenda, instead it just forgets to have an interesting idea and populate the story with some interesting characters. This movie also falls prey to the scenario of smart people doing really dumb things, that make no sense and when they are doing them the viewer is just left shaking their head in disbelief (see the movie Prometheus for some insane examples of this). Over all I found this movie boring as it didn't have enough story line to keep me compelled or interested. The last half hour of this movie, which should have been the engaging part of the movie, I found myself writing some reviews and watching the movie as I did, because I just wasn't interested in what was going on. Personally if you want to see a better film along the same subject as this film, I'd watch Danny Boyle's Sunshine and even though the third act of that film gets a little crazy, you won't care as much because he makes you invested into the characters, so you care about them and what happens to them.
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