Django Unchained written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, starring Jamie Fox, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, Walter Groggins, Don Johnson, and Jonah Hill.
Well this is a typical Tarantino film: filled with a lot of good scenes that don't add up to the sum of the film. As always the many actors in this film have meaty and good lines to chew over but once again everything falls apart if you think to much about what his going on. Once again Christoph Waltz completely steals the whole movie and when he's gone the movie doesn't have near the same life as it had when he was on screen.
I can't even begin to describe how great an actor Christoph Waltz is. He makes his character come alive in ways I know Tarantino didn't even know the character had life in it. Waltz did the same thing in Tarantino's Inglorious Basterds as Waltz make the Nazis killer a more fascinating character than all the good guys in the movie. He does the same thing here as he is a joy to watch on screen. Even Dicaprio makes some great things happen with his villain as he becomes even more fascinating than the main character of Django as played by Jamie Fox. This is all the fault of Tarantino who seems incapable of writing good guy main characters but instead writes better side characters or villains. I don't know why his movies are like this but they are.
Can someone please tell me why the evil people in this movie are only evil when they need to be but suddenly become not as evil when put in a situation to be evil with the main character? They chose to not castrate the main character, instead sending him to be a slave is much better way to punish him than by cutting his balls off. This makes absolutely no sense in all of the world of the movie the characters live in. Why not castrate him and send him off to be slave? One of the reasons they don't castrate him is because a castrated man has been known to bleed out and die. And their point is what, that the man who just killed about everyone on the plantation might die? Sounds like a reasonable solution to me or even if he lives he's not going to have balls to do anything and he will be slave in the process. This part of the movie just ruined everything that had happened before as it contradicted the rules Tarantino had set up in his own movie, even if everything that happened before had been over the top.
Tarantino also doesn't know when to cut scenes that don't help the pacing or flow of the movie. The KKK scene where the characters are talking about the hoods they're wearing. This is a funny scene that feels like a scene lifted from Blazing Saddles or a comedy, which is movie is not, but yet doesn't add anything to the movie's over all story. It involves characters I don't really know and doesn't have either of the two main characters, so over all it becomes a pointless scene that should have only been added to the deleted scenes on the DVD or put in another movie.
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