Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Nemo: Roses of Berlin

Nemo: Roses of Berlin written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Kevin O'Neill.

I did not like this book at all. 

It felt rushed and all in all quite unlike a typical Alan Moore story. 

Even the stories of his set in the League world I didn't like have still been slowly paced with great character development.  Even the story set before this one, Nemo: Heat of Ice, had more depth and better pacing than this story.  This story felt more like a mass market version of a League story.  It felt produced by Marvel or DC not written by Alan Moore  This whole story felt rushed as it didn't seem to build on the world-building or mythology making Moore had done previously and what he's known for when he writes.  That's why I think it felt like a Marvel or DC comic it had a very soap opera feel to it that I don't normally associate with Moore.  His writing normally has more depth and better pacing.  He normally makes me care about what is going on but here I just didn't care as I found the story and characters rather dull and boring.

This story was further burdened by the weakness I've come to notice from Moore over the last few stories I've read set in the League world.  Namely his fascination with breasts, sex, and penises that seem to be there for no other purpose than he's writing with a publisher that doesn't have a comic code.  This whole issue has a feel of that one scene from Swordfish when Halle Berry shows her breasts for no other purpose than she wanted to because they didn't further the story nor were of any use of character development.  This issue reeks of that in about every panel. 

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