The Green Hornet directed by Michael Gondry, starring, Seth Rogen, Cameron Diaz, Christoph Waltz, and Jay Chou.
I don't even know what they were thinking when they made this movie. It's so off kilter. The main character is completely miss cast. The overall concept doesn't really make any sense. The main character is a dick and completely unlikeable.
I honestly don't even know what this movie is trying to do. I think the movie doesn't even know what it's trying to do. The movie feels really lost to me and this confusion transfers to screen really well.
I had heard how bad this movie was but I thought I'd give it a watch just to see if it was going to be one of those movies that ends up being so bad it's good or that it might earn a spot on my guilty pleasure list. This movie is so bad it's not even one of those it's so bad it's good movies. I guess I can see how this might earn a spot on someone's guilty pleasure list - because technically any bad movie can be on that list, the only criteria is that the person has to know the movie is bad - but it didn't end up my guilty pleasure list, not by a long shot.
I don't even know what more to say about this movie? If you want to see a really bad movie from the screenplay, the concept, the dialogue, and the directing - which really isn't that bad but even it can't lift the terribleness of this movie from the gutter of which it came.
The only props I will give this film is that Jay Chou, Cameron Diaz, and Christoph Waltz actually did a good job acting. And this is Cameron Diaz's sexist roll she's done in a long and yes there is one scene in which she is there in her underwear showing off her long legs. Like I've said before I think it's in her contract she has to have at least one scene like that.
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