The Lego Movie directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, with the voices of Christ Pratt, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Jonah Hill, Morgan Freeman, Will Ferrell, Will Forte, Liam Nesson, and a bunch of other people associated with Legos or any other type of sci-fi or super hero movies.
I thought this was a really good movie. Not just as a kids movie but just as a movie in general. It was funny, well paced, not to long, and well it's based on a kids toy I still play with today. I really like Legos and I've got to admit I didn't think there would be much a story line to use or create to get this movie to work. But the writers found a good way to make this movie a sort of meta experience without getting to carried away with the metaphysical aspects of the movie. It was the meta aspect of this movie that truly made it more than just a kids movie and helped to lift the movie beyond just being a movie about toys.
The naysayers will say this is just a long commercial for Legos. My response to that statement is, isn't any superhero movie just a long commercial for superheroes or for that matter about 90% of movies released in the summer are just a long commercial for something. So yes, this movie is a commercial but I think it's that aspect of the movie - the Legos - that really help to connect with the viewer because everyone has played with Legos as some point in their life and the story line uses this not just a gimmick but as part of the story. That is a brilliant part as the metaphysical helps to ground the movie in reality in a gimmicky but real way without feeling forced. It all flows together so well I was amazed.
Did I mention this is a kids movie?
It is and despite all of the meta, wild things I've been talking about, this movie never loses focus of the fact it is a kids movie. The humor is funny, the story line is good, and the characters alone are worth seeing this movie as the voice actors really bring them to life. I'm not kidding about that either, they really brought their A game into the voicing these characters.
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