Automata directed by Gabe Ibanez, starring Antonio Banderas and Dylan McDermott.
This movie was boring from beginning to end but the central mystery of the movie - who is tampering with the robots - did have me interested enough to finish the movie. But the big reveal was more of whimper and fell into the nothingness as fast as it was revealed, which really aggravated me because the story went to great pains to point out about the tinkering of the robots. So the build up to it did entice me but the ending of it was severely lacking, considering the build up. Characters motivations seemed left to cliche instead of being grounded in any form of reality, even their decisions were out right confusing. Honestly there just wasn't a lot to like in this movie. I am very forgiving to sci-fi movies but then I'm also very critical of them if they seem lost in their own self righteous at the expense of characters or story line.
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