Hannibal Season 2 created by Bryan Fuller, starring Mads Middelsen, Hugh Dancy, Caroline Dhavernas, Laurence Fishburne, Gillian Anderson, Hettienne Park, Eddie Izzard, Katharine Isabelle, Cynthia Nixon, Gina Torres, and Michael Pitt.
I will not say this is a perfect show but it is one of the most watchable shows I've seen. It's very easy on the eyes from the production, costumes, and camera movements and placement - it all makes for a viewing experience not normally found in TV shows.
But make no mistake this is a show about serial killers in all definition of that word. It explores their world. Their mental state and how their thought processes differ greatly from that of a normal person. It shows their perspective on the world, people, and choices they make. This show is not afraid to explore a serial killer's mentality and to ask some serious questions about the state of mind of a serial killer. In doing so it goes down some dark passageways and penetrates into some uncomfortable areas of morality and perspective. This isn't killers killing for the sake of killing - there's a reason behind it, there's a reason behind the violence. Thus the violence and gore on display aren't there for just shock (don't get me wrong though they are shockingly disturbing without a doubt). This show is very violent, very gory, and the color red is one of the primary colors on the palate for this show. I watched the producer's cut of certain episodes so I don't know what made it on TV and what didn't but the level of violence and gore even shocked me at times.
This is a pitch perfect cast show with not one person miscast. Who would have thought anyone could have done a better Hannibal Lector than Anthony Hopkins? I didn't. But Mads Middelsen is electric, enticing, and completely mesmerizing as Lector.
This season picks up right where the last season ended and just continues to run with a confident sense of continuity I don't find in a lot TV shows now-a-days. By the end of this season I'm really looking forward to next season, so much so that I might end up watching it on TV - which is something I haven't done in many years.
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