American Ultra directed by Nima Nourizadeh, starring Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Bill Pullman, Topher Grace, Connie Britton, Walton Groggins, John Leguizamo, and Tony Hale.
Basically this is the slacker, stoner version of The Bourne Identity only not as good as that movie.
The one thing that saves this movie from being rather boring is the run time of about 90 minutes. This forces the movie to run along at a brisk pace with not to many wasted scenes. All of the acting in this movie, from the leads to character actors/actresses, saves it from the mediocrity that it should have been.
I've got admit I do like Jesse Eisenberg and have liked about everything I've seen him in. There's just something about him that I like and if he gets the right material he can elevate any movie by just being it. He does that here with this movie because if he hadn't been in it I don't think this movie would be as entertaining as it turned out to be. By contrast I've found Kristen Stewart annoying from what little I've seen her in (no I haven't seen The Twilight movies - still banded from watching them by my wife - but from what little I've seen of them her character is like claws on a chalkboard for me). So there is a bias from me to her. Having said all of that she's not half bad in this movie making me eat a little crow on her, I will fully admit.
All in all this isn't to bad of a movie to watch. It is violent, bloody, and sort of gory - all things I do like if done well. They were done fairly well in this movie making it entertaining.
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