The Martian directed by Ridley Scott, starring Matt Damon,Jessica Chastain, Jeff Daniels, Kristen Wiig, Michael Pena, Sean Bean, Kate Mara, Sebastian Stan, Alex Hennie, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Benedict Wong.
I will say this The Martian is the best Ridley Scott has made in a long time. I would say it's been decades since he's made a film that has a story line to match the visual flare he brings to the table. Normally, his films seem to be of the Emperor's clothing line apparel - nothing there but for some reason everyone around him keeps insisting that the clothing looks great. This time around the story line is actually quite good even though it is basically Castaway set on Mars but it is much better than Castaway ever dreamed of being.
The best part for me about this movie was how the scientists and astronauts actually acted like scientists and astronauts not like they acted in Scott's other bomb of film Prometheus. These characters were way more believable and the film is all the better for it as it lends the film an authenticity and believability that Prometheus was seriously lacking. All of the actors and actresses in the movie do a great job of bringing this movie to life with Damon being the sole person who drives home the narrative and story line. Damon does what he has always been doing since he started acting - he latches onto a story that seems awkward and with little potential but turns it into a movie worth watching. I honestly don't know how he does it but he's been doing it on a consist basis with some great results.
Ultimately though this movie is about Mars. Mars dominates this entire movie visually, physically, and psychologically. Scott brings his full force of talents to create Mars into a wholly believable character. This is at times good for the film and bad for the film. Good in the sense that Mars feels real for entire movie. Bad in the sense that Mars over shadows everything else and everyone in the movie, which falls on the screenplay to support but it doesn't as the characters don't sparkle with life near the same way the planet does. Damon's character needs to be more of a character instead of just wanting to stay alive and get off of Mars - that desire instantly generates sympathy but there needs to more there to make him fully alive. The movie Moon quickly teaches a lesson with The Martian on how to make a movie with a significantly lower budget but create a character that is actually a character and not relying on a cheap gimmick to generate sympathy with the audience. Special effects are good and all but character and story are so much more important to the longer term status of a movie.
It's still a good movie to watch though and not a waste of time.
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