Thursday, August 11, 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice directed by Zack Snyder, starring Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Laurence Fishburne, Gal Gadot, Holly Hunter, and Jeremy Irons.

The title of this movie alone foreshadows everything that is wrong with this movie and most likely everything that will be wrong with future installments of this "series" of "connected" movies.  I don't think it will be the Dawn of Justice but in reality will be the Dawn of Messiness, Sloppiness, and Impatience.   

This is DC's attempt to catch up with Marvel, it stalls right out of the gate, and falls flat on it's face.  There is no patience here. There is only a madcap scramble to catch Marvel and this movie reeks of that dash, instead of doing a patient world building, which these characters desperately need.

Blame the screenplay and writers for the movie being this bad, bloated mess it turned out to be.  DC's whole philosophy for connecting movies and continuity seems to be lets throw everything at the screen, see what sticks, and then weave it all together.  I feel sorry for all the actors involved in this "project" because there is a good series lurking in this mess, if it only had the time to develop, then I think it would be rather exciting.  But unfortunately all development seems to be regulated to how comic continuity is handled these days - meaning none at all with only pretensions of it being there.  All that is left of any continuity are shadows made by ghosts.

All the trouble I had with Man of Steele is just amplified here.  What we have is a bunch of good actors just sidelined to running around, staring at things, and reacting to things.  There's not a lot of scenes where they are acting together, with these caliber of actors all in the same movie that's a real crime, and the movie is severely lacking because of it.  Without this focus on character there's no investment into anything they are doing.  DC seems to be on welfare investment - relying on previous knowledge or unrelated movies as the groundwork for these characters.  They haven't worked for anything and don't really seem all interested in working for anything.

I will say this though, Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman was a pure revelation in this movie.  She stole every scene she was in - the few she was in - and her only down fall was that she wasn't in enough scenes.  I really hope they do well by her movie but as they previous track record seems to be, I doubt it will be all that good.

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