Steve Jobs directed by Danny Boyle, starring Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seith Rogen, and Jess Daniels.
This is a gimmick movie in that it takes place in three separate times of Steve Jobs life, that of a certain launch of a product. Then the movie weaves a story of around the character of those three launches. I like how this movie does a warts and all reveal of Jobs, showing his genius and jack ass mentality in equal measure. This gimmick works in wonderful ways and is used as more staging pieces and visual ques than anything else.
The actors in this movie are what make this movie sing and worth watching. Everyone involved brings their A-game as this movie is basically a character study of Steve Jobs and the people around him. Seth Rogen does his best acting since I've seen him acting, and that's saying something from me, because I'm not the biggest Rogen fan in the world. But this movie belongs to Michael Fassbender and Kate Winslet who are just amazing in every scene they are in. Playing off of each other in wonderful ways and prove that acting is just more than memorizing and saying lines. They both embody their characters and breath life into them.
Watch for the gimmick of the structure but stay for the acting, it is well worth it.
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