Sunday, May 18, 2014


Looper directed by Rian Johnson starring Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Emily Blunt, and Jeff Daniels.

This is how you do a good screenplay, good pacing, good acting, good sci-fi and good time travel. This movie was awesome. 

It was one of few times I've seen a movie and been genuinely surprised by the plot as it unfolded before me. I honestly had no idea where it was headed most of the time and even when I was thinking about where it was headed it would do a 180 degree turn and head in the opposite direction. I can't emphasize enough what a relief it was to watch a movie with this good of a storyline mixed with good character development and confidence in both, without letting the special effects or a huge action sequences ruin them. 

This is a sci-fi movie in the vein of Blade Runner and Children of Men, meaning it's a close look a future path our world could be headed and the production design of this movie picks up with that concept and runs with it making it a believable but not overblown future like Minority Report was. Rian Johnson is definitely a director to keep on a eye on. His direction was flashy when it needed to be and controlled when it needed it be and his handling of the action scenes were good and never once did I feel he lost control of this movie. 

I think my favorite actor in the movie was Jeff Daniels he pulled of a really good mob boss without going over board like so many actors seem to do. He was quiet but never once did I doubt he had a ruthless streak in him. Don't let the adds confuse you into thinking this is an action movie because it's not, it's a sci-fi movie that plays with some big concepts as the movie draws to an end that I won't go into right now but if you see it let me know and I will be more than happy to discuss them.  Also this movie showcases what a great actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt has become as well as the actress Emily Blunt.  This movie totally shifts in tone when these two meet up and all for the better also.  They have a really chemistry and spark that made me wish they had more scenes together but I was thankful for the scenes I got with them.

 A good movie go and see it.

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