Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ancillary Justice

Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie.

It's been a long time since I've read a really good sci-fi novel.  Ancillary Justice qualifies as one of the better ones I've read in that span of time and it's Ann Leckie's first novel, which is just amazing.  She also does something a lot of sci-fi writers have a hard time of doing - she focuses on character over technology or alien culture.  She never looses sight of her character.

The idea of this book is what initially intrigued me - being of a hive mindset and then having that hive mindset stripped away and living in a singular person/body.  Leckie explores that mentality in glorious ways.  I don't normally like novels written in first person narration but this book's first person narration only adds to the character as she describes everything about having that hive mentality stripped away from her and living in a singular person.  It's this exploration of having that world stripped away that brings the main character to life.  I really got to understand her and the world she lived in.  Leckie did create an interesting world one I wouldn't mind seeing more of.

This book had shades of Ursala K. LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness, that is by no means a bad comparison with full compliments to Leckie for channeling LeGuin in such a way that most people have not been able to.  Her voice is a unique voice that I don't see in a lot sci-fi and I can say I'm looking forward to her next novel.

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