Evil Dead directed by Fade Alvarez, starring a cast of characters that will soon be meeting their fate as the movie moves along, Jane Levy, Shiloh Fernandez, Lou Taylor Pucci, Jessica Lucas, and Elizabeth Blackmore.
This is one of the most pointless remakes I've seen in a long and every single frame of this movie made me long for the awesome low budgetness of the original. I think the first five or ten minutes of this movie had the combined budget of the original Evil Dead 1 and 2. But no matter much slicker, glossier, or even better acted this movie is, it doesn't in anyway hide the fact that the one that came before was that much better. Which just goes to show that no amount of money can hide misplaced passion and the pursuit of more money at any cost. This movie also proves once again that creativity is in very short supply in Hollywood and this movie cements the fact that this creative wasteland isn't going away anytime soon.
Where the original Evil Dead had the passion of the film making process clearly on display in every frame and every minute of the film. This film's one and only passion is to cash in on the horror genre and to get as gory as it can get away with. Make no mistake, this is one gory, violent, and bloody movie when the possession hits the fan. It gets so violent, bloody, and gory that I started laughing as they tried to keep out doing themselves with the gore, violence, and blood with each set piece that followed each other. Funny thing, they actually tried to create a story line and characters to base these scenes of violence around and get the audience to actual care for what was going to happen. They didn't succeed at all, at this, but I will give them an "A" for effort but that's the only "A" I'm going to give this movie.
The only other positive thing to say about this movie is that it's not too long. It's just the right amount of time to be dissatisfied with seeing a remake that is nowhere near as perfect as the original but not long enough to feel like you wasted time. Even the gory, bloody set pieces aren't all that bad if you're into special effects and make-up they are worth seeing the movie for. I am so I didn't have that bad a time watching this movie. I just wish they come up with their own original story line instead of hanging this film on the bones of Sam Raimi's way better film. There's just some low budget films that are priceless in their low budget and no amount of money will ever change that. If fact remaking them only shows how much more superior they are despite the limitations placed on them. But don't get me wrong a lot of money in the right hands can an extremely watchable movie, just not this time around.
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