The Dead by Mark Rogers.
First off yes this
is a Christian themed book with zombies in it. I know, I was amazed with
the blending of two genres as I read the book and they blend seamlessly
Mark Rogers is a devote Catholic so there
is a lot more spirituality and discussions on faith than you're going
to find in other books along with enough swearing to give this book a
firm grounding in reality. One of good thing Rogers is very good at is
presenting both sides of an argument, so when two people are debating or
arguing you never feel one side is truly winning. It might seem
that way at first but later on you're going to get the other sides
version of things to balance everything out.
Another thing Rogers does
is write really well. I wouldn't say he's a great writer but man can he
tell a story. His writing is on par with Stephen King, only Rogers
editing of useless material is much better. King over writes to many of
his books now by a hundred pages or so. There is none of that in Rogers
books. His characters are true blue collar workers or at least feel
that way, which helps to give them a firm a grounding in reality and easy
to relate to. The pacing moves along with a decent speed but nothing
too fast and violence is well very violent as one would expect from a
zombie themed story. It was a good read and doesn't take too long to
finish if you're in the mood for a little light, fun reading, this is
the book for you.
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