Sunday, February 8, 2015

National Treasure

National Treasure directed by Jon Turtletaub, starring Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, Justin Bartha, Sean Bean, Jon Voight, Christopher Plummer, and Harvey Keitel.

Over the years this movie has become a guilty pleasure of mine.  I like this movie.  One of the reasons I like this movie is that it knows exactly what it is and doesn't try to be something it's not.  It's just a good old adventure movie and all the actors in it don't try to do anything other than make it that adventure movie.  This is the kind of story Dan Brown was trying to tell in his The Da Vinci Code and failed - but I will leave that for another critique. 

I like the characters in this story and I like the fact they aren't talking down the audience.  Nicolas Cage does a good job with his explorer/treasure hunter.  This movie works well - in the story line department - as a sort of modern version of Indiana Jones.  Though this movie no where compares with that movie, story line wise or direction wise.  Spielberg nailed the pacing and direction of Jones to a degree that was staggering.  National Treasure is more light weight and fun with everything, as it has a more playful tone but it knows this and doesn't shy away from it just rolling with what happens in the movie. Also it's a good family movie and I would consider this one of Jerry Bruckheimer best produced movies. 

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