Thursday, December 24, 2015

Blood Rites

Blood Rites written by Jim Butcher.

I've been slowly rereading through the Dresden Files again, this is book #6.  And with each read I'm continually reminded what a wonderful job Butcher has done, not only with world building but in creating a cast of characters that I genuinely like.  Harry Dresden is the main character.  But it's also the secondary and side characters that I like.  He has has infused them with enough personality and quirks that I care about them and want to know more about them.  I don't read many books like this where the background characters are as as interesting as the main character.  Butcher also has this insane gift of not recycling story lines but continuing the over all story line with each book that is published in the Dresden series (now he is on book 14 of this series so far).

With this book Butcher makes a huge revelation in the series and this revelation is cared over in the books that follow but I like how it's not a cheap revelation.  It is a soap opera type of revelation but it doesn't feel tacked on.  It's completely earned as rereading this series has backed this up - Butcher has a master plan, nothing is left to chance or soap opera tactics.  Another thing I like about Butcher is how the talking segments of this book click with life and hold more weight than the action scenes or story line because I like how his characters relate to each other.  I look forward to reading about them talking and relating to each more than I do the action scenes or story lines that follow.  His characters are that rich in detail, that how they relate to each other I want to see happen.

By the ending of this book I can't wait for the next book because I know the dynamics of these characters are going to be changed and I want to see that change take place. They relate to each other is realistic ways, in ways that I think I could hang out most of the characters and just talk about life and nerd stuff.  In a strange way he has made me connect with them just by reading these books.  I've got a glimpse into their lives and lives that have some weight and experience to it because I've gone through the same sort of experience with them in a weird sort of way.

Also make no mistake Harry Dresden and his friends are some of the most original blue collar characters I've come across.   

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