Star Wars: The Force Awakens directed by J. J. Abrams, screenplay helped by Lawrence Kasdan (this is huge having him back in Star Wars as his return is warm welcome), starring Daisy Ridley, Tom Driver, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Gleeson, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill.
First thing I will say as I've mentioned above - I am very glad that Lawrence Kasdan has returned to the fold of Star Wars. His scripting duties were sourly missed with the prequels and his not being there cleared showed with stilted and awkward dialogue that only continued to show how out of touch with reality Lucas had become over the years. Where as this movie revives the tight, crisp dialogue he brought with Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. This time around he has even sharpened and honed his dialogue even more as it sizzles with more humor as the characters relate to each other in more realistic ways that feel even more natural than his previous screenplays. I am so glad Kasdan has returned.
Well this movie completely renewed my faith in live action Star Wars movies. After the utter failure of the lifeless and passionless prequels, which only managed to prove how much George Lucas didn't know about the world and universe he created, it was good to be reminded of how much I love the live action Star Wars movie. And missed them. There can be much said about how much this movie recycled bits and pieces from the original trilogy or how there is a lack of character development or how plot points and pot holes do emerge as the story marches one - but to say this is to forget how much the original trilogy also had these types of elements with in yet we didn't care. I don't care about them here either because this movie revives all the fun and excitement of the original trilogy as it quickly adheres to the word OPERA in the space-opera of these movies. This must be remembered when watching these movies. They are an opera. They will be cheesy. But they should be fun, exciting, and a thrill ride a minute. This movie is all that and more.
Thank you Abrams, thank you very much.
This is just an all out fun movie with manic pacing that once it starts after the characters are introduced it never lets up. What good, new characters that have been introduced to the Star Wars universe both female and male that seem to be having a blast being in a Star Wars movie - this passion and joy show in every frame they are in making it very easy to relate to and like these actors.
This analogy from my brother completely summons up the experience of watching Star Wars the Force Awakens: Ratatouille, this movie is like that scene from Ratatouille where the food critic ate that dish and was immediately brought back to his childhood just with one taste of Ratatouille. This movie is like that in that it immediately brought me back to my childhood and watching Star Wars with such wild abandon. Looking forward to next movies in this trilogy and any other movies Disney will release in the Star Wars universe.
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