Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Aeronaut's Windlass

The Cinder Spires: The Aeronaut's Windlass written by Jim Butcher.

Truthfully I found most of this book very slow - it finally picked up over half way through the book and the only thing that kept me reading that much was Butcher's name.  The characters just don't have the same type of personality or character that his characters in the Dresden books have - this is the books main failing.  The other main failing is that I needed more detail of the world the characters lived in.  I never got a good idea of what this world was about and it needed more detail there because the world is a main character in the story.  This lack of character with the world really hurt the story because it's a world these characters inhabit so it needs to be a primary focus.  It needs to feel real and lived in, neither of which ever happened with this book. 

The over all idea of the story I really liked but nothing ever seemed to support this over all idea of steampunk and other creatures in the story.  They all felt like ideas not fully formed.  

I did finish the book and will most likely continue the series but I won't be seeking out the new book when it first comes out.  I'll be reading it at my leisure after it comes out.

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