Jurassic World directed by Colin Trevorrow, starring Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Irrfan Khan, Vincent D'Onofrio, Ty Simpkins, Nick Robinson, and Omar Sy.
In all honesty I really liked this movie and I've got to admit - Chris Pratt is the main reason this movie was good. If he hadn't been in it I don't think it would have been as good as it turned out. His charisma and presence was that good. That being said this movie was way better than Lost World and Jurassic Park 3 in leaps and bounds. I don't expect much out of popcorn movies these days other than just don't pander to me, don't be pretentious, and above all just don't be completely stupid when it comes to plot because you are a popcorn movie (Michael Bay - I'm speaking to you). All around I thought characters were well more defined than in the first movie, which for me was just basically a remake of Jaws with dinosaurs only with poorer characters. The characters in this movie (minus Bryce Dallas Howard's character) seemed a lot more interesting than before.
Trevorrow did more than a decent job of directing, not as good as the first movie which was completely saved by Spielberg's direction. I liked the self nods to the first movie throughout it brought me home to a movie that I can honestly say helped to shape my fascinations with movies (I saw Jurassic Park 5 times in the theaters when it came out).
This movie is well worth a watch.
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