Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Doctor Who: Season Four

Doctor Who: Season Four staring David Tennant and Katherine Tate. 

Well this is the last season for the best actor to ever play Doctor Who and what a last season he has. It’s both extremely memorable and as full of emotion, as anything I’ve seen from Doctor Who. One thing became very clear during this season, the Doctor needs a traveling companion because the few episodes, that didn’t have a set traveling  companion, I could tell there was something missing.  Then when Katherine Tate showed up the dialogue, banter, and sarcasm really started to fly, allowing the missing humor to inject the episodes with life, energy, and an intimacy that was clearly missing without a traveling companion. 

One of the things I’ve really come to like about this show is how the writers have made the Doctor and his traveling companions more real and relate-able.  They've done this a few ways.  One of those ways is by making their responses to things seem real and consistent.  By doing that they give the viewer an honest connection with the character because we know they will respond in a certain situation and that makes it funny, and like I said before, it makes relate-able.  Whereas if they were to respond out of character it takes the viewer out of the situation because the response is against the nature of the character. The writers seem to realize this and keep the consistency of the characters true to their character. 

Another thing I like that the writers do is actually have an idea where the story line is going and not just throwing things on the wall to see what sticks.  They also continue to plant seeds throughout the Season that was foreshadowed the last few episodes of this Season. I really like seeing shows that don’t treat the viewer as stupid but wants the viewer to pay attention to what is going on and encourages the viewer to pay attention to what is going on. I think the only thing I would have against this Season, but seems to be something that happens a lot in the Doctor Who Seasons, is that they start really slow and take about six episodes or so to get going.  This is a small complaint because when the episodes do get going they really take off  with full nuclear force. With so much force that I forgot about the slowness of it starting because it ends with such a double bang. 

This Season especially ended with a huge double bang: the actual Season ends with a huge two part episode that brings literally everyone back in David Tennant’s run that it’s sort of a family reunion and then there are four specials the last one being another huge two parter that is epic in scope and ideas. There are movies that don’t come anywhere near touching the hugeness of what they did in these episodes on an emotional scale or an idea scale. It made for some great television and a great ending to the David Tennant run. The writers even give David Tennant some great acting scenes that make his departure truly heartbreaking and his final line very emotional, “I don’t want to go.” He brought such a passion and energy to the Doctor role that I haven’t ever seen. I’m just extremely grateful he got to play the Doctor for more than one season. David Tennant, I don’t want you to go.

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