Eternals written by Neil Gaiman illustrated by John Romita, Jr.
The concept behind this story is interesting but I never felt the execution of it lived up to everything that it was supporting it. I'm a huge fan of Neil Gaiman's comic book stuff but this isn't one of his better efforts and seemed more like just any other writer, wrote this comic.
The ideas in this book are huge and deal with, more or less, gods, Gaiman does his best to make these gods relate-able but I never really connected with any one of them. Another problem I had with the story is that there wasn't a main character. It started out with one but then the focus shifted to another person and from then on out the focal point shifted to another character than what the comic originally started with, which really doesn't help a reader to relate to the story when there is so much jumping around on point of view.
This comic book is very forgettable, even as I write this review, the fact I read this comic is slipping from my mind. I can't remember much from it and it wasn't that interesting, to me it just seemed like any other comic on the shelf. And coming from a comic written by Gaiman, that just shouldn't be. I just wish Gaiman had explained more things about the Eternals, the Celestials, and their origins because when he did start talking about their mythology it was interesting but flew by so fast I got the feeling he was bored with them. I don't know why he didn't explore those wild and insane mythologies because would have made things way more interesting than the normal story he ended up writing. I just hate things that have a bunch of interesting ideas with little or no pay off for anything, I end up thinking I've wasted my time (Lost and X-Files being prime examples of this). I really hate that feeling.
I will say this though the art by John Romita, Jr was top notch and made the lack of story at least visually pleasing to the eyes. His concepts of the alien tech, the Eternals, and Celestials were inspiring. I've always liked his style and it blended well here with the story being told, I just wish Romita had a better story to combine with his are like he did with Frank Miller's Daredevil mini series. He's always an interesting artists to get for a project.
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