Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Wolverine

The Wolverine directed by James Mangold, starring Hugh Jackman, Rila Fukushima, a lot of Asian people, and one Russian model/actress (don't they all seem to be now-a-days that is a model turned actress).  Oh, there's also a wicked cameo after the credits that's almost better than the whole movie.

Before I go any further into the review of this movie I will say I really like the poster design for The Wolverine.  I thought they got it completely right as it totally sets the tone for the movie and shows this is going to be a different movie than the first time around.  I really like the simplicity of the poster above mixed with the black and white color, works extremely well.  Even after saying all of that I don't think the movie lived up to the campaign built up of the poster as I will share below.

I don't fully know what to make of this movie.  I like the concept behind what they were doing but it was the execution of it that failed.  They were aiming for a more character based storyline that wholly focused on Wolverine and they delivered on that part but somewhere in between the focus got lost again, which is a shame because this time around there's a good story line lurking beneath the depths of this movie.

Whereas the first movie played so fast and furious with the storyline that the action and secondary characters made sure the story line was the least focused on from everything in that movie.  Here, the fast and furious pace of the first movie becomes replaced with slow as a turtle for this movie, there just doesn't seem to be a good balance here.  The Wolverine is a lot more focused in the story line department this time around but there still doesn't seem to be a lot room to let the character breath like in Nolan's Batman movies (which will be a comparison I will forever be making when watching a comic book movie from now on).   Most of the action scenes in this movie don't fit in with the tone of the movie and had me laughing at how ludicrous and over-the-top they were compared with the story line that was trying to be serious.  There was only one action scene that fit in with the tone and concept of the movie and didn't feel like it was added just to add an action scene.  It was the first action scene at the funeral, where the action and fight scene was blended so well into the movie and character of Wolverine that the organic quality of it never felt forced, I just wish more of them had been of this high quality because as the movie progressed it became everything became worse and worse.

The Wolverine started out well and had a good first act, I just wish the rest of the movie had been as focused as the first part.  I think they should have just stayed focused on Wolverine and the samurai way with the concept of the ronin floating behind everything as the Japanese culture seemed to fit him better than the Western culture.  I do mean they lost their way in the second and third act, the second act is one slow plod through boredom as they don't give the audience much of anything to explore Wolverine character, like Nolan did with Bruce Wayne as he made him interesting.  They don't do that with Logan and for some reason he comes off as rather boring when the second act starts rolling along.  I can't understand how they could lose their way as he is a fascinating character and there's a lot things they could explore that would make the audience care more about him.  The action scenes they blend into the second and third acts don't help their cause any either as they seem way more forced then the previous one.

I will say this though Hugh Jackman is the Wolverine much like Robert Downey, Jr is Iron Man, they both their characters and alter egos perfectly.  I can't really see anyone else taking over for those parts.  I also liked the actress who played the Asian girl who helps Logan along.  She did a great job and I was expecting her to annoying, but they didn't writer her that way and she played her with some gusto and flair.  The story actually made her interesting and I like the fact she stays with Logan when the movie ended.  Here's hoping they keep her in other movies. 


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