The Colony directed by Jeff Renfroe starring Laurence Fishburne and Bill Paxton.
The worst thing about this movie is that it doesn't even try to add anything new to the genre its fit itself into and instead just wants to be a standard thriller/horror movie. Even that I wouldn't say it achieves well. Characters aren't established with any level of sympathy at all, besides the standard cliche ridden ones and even the cliches seem more like cliches as I didn't really care about anyone in this movie. Even the situations the characters found themselves were oh-so predictable in how the characters would respond to the situation: Bill Paxton's character taking over the colony - I mean who didn't see that one coming, Laurence Fishburne sacrificing himself to save a life - who didn't see that one coming as well, and they just kind of keep stacking up as the movie rolls along. I found myself rolling my eyes for at least 1/2 of the movie because the writer didn't even try to do something new as he just rode on the coat tails of every kind of movie that's been done like this before, not even attempting to be different. I could at least appreciate the attempt at trying something new, even if it failed - the attempt would be nice.
The one saving factor of this movie is the run time at 90 minutes it's not that long of an investment if you're looking for a movie to kill the time and be somewhat amused. But other than that this is a been there seen that and done that kind of movie, which adds nothing new or inventive to its genre.
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