The Lone Ranger directed by Gore Verbinski, starring Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer, Williams Fichtner, Tom Wilkinson, and Helena Bonham Carter.
Bottom line if you liked The Pirates of the Caribbean movies you should enjoy this movie, it's produced and directed by the same people who made those movies and it stars Johnny Depp. I didn't like any of The Pirates movies therefore you should know where I stand on this movie.
First off Mr. Depp hasn't done any really acting since he took on the mantle of Jack Sparrow. Ever since he put on Jack Sparrow every movie character he's taken on has seemed - at least to me - like some kind of variation on Jack Sparrow. As if Jack Sparrow was acting in that movie, not Johnny Depp, which when I think about it that way, it's like Depp has somehow channeled the spirit of Andy Kaufman and turned a persona of his into an actual actor. That's one interesting thought that I will have to think about because if he has pulled that off, he's just showing how insane Hollywood really is as it churns out movies with little regard to the actual product. Only the bottom line matters, nothing else is taken into consideration.
This being a Jerry Bruckheimer produced film, you should already know what kind of movie you're going to see. I'm firmly convinced Bruckheimer comes up with an idea for a movie and then goes about setting up the action scenes for said movie. And when he has those actions settled on, then he goes about fashioning a story line based around those actions. This movie shows this in about every frame.
Little time is spent on character development or actual plot as cliches run a muck in about every scene and frame. The only part of the story line I found interesting was when Tonto referred to himself as a wendigo hunter and was hunting William Fichtner's character. This idea had a lot mythological aspects to it as well as historical implications but instead of exploring this idea the screenplay just went on to another cliched thing leaving an interesting thing behind in it's damaged wake.
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