Sunday, December 8, 2013

Red 2

Red 2 starring Bruce Willis, Mary-Louise Parker, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren, Catherine Zeat-Jones, Anthony Hopkins, Brian Cox and Byung-hun Lee.

Well I can say this, this movie wasn't as good as the first one, not by any comparison, but it was still highly entertaining and there is one reason why: the actors in this movie.  First off I would like to say this movie did suffer from not having Karl Urban in it.  I really liked his character in the first movie but I didn't fully realize how much he impacted the story line until I saw Red 2.  His presence was sorely missed this time around.

The main reason, and really the only reason, to see this movie is because of the cast list, which was the main reason I wanted to see the first movie, and it delivered on everything it promised.  This movie suffers in the the story department from something that I can't quite put my finger on, but the cast elevates everything in it to give the audience a rock and rolling good time.  They deliver on every bit of their talent. 

Helen Mirren is once again a total delight to see kicking but and taking names.  There's just something about her holding a gun, blowing things, and doing action that fully justifies Brian Cox's character total love towards her.  I get it completely, the whole head over heels for her and I never thought it would work, but Mirren pulls it off in wonderful, wild ways that a movie based on her character, doesn't seem like a bad idea.  Her scenes with Malkovich and, the Asian actor, Lee are some of the best scenes in the movie and made me wanting more of her.

I've never been a big Malkovich fan but this is one of the best roles he's ever played that fully utilizes his eccentric behavior to full effect, without it  becoming some sort of parody.  He seems completely at home and comfortable playing this character.  His choice of wardrobe only further helps to make his character embody the oddness and conspiracy laden character he is.  The screenplay servers his character right by giving him small doses throughout the movie and never letting him take full center stage, by doing this he never over stays his welcome and becomes a very memorable character because of it.  His character is best served in small doses.

I don't where this Byung-hun Lee came from but he certainly brought some much needed youthful energy to the movie and I never felt his character got out of control.  He held his own with the more seasoned actors in this movie, though he didn't have much acting to do, but his screen presence alone made his character interesting.  Lee did a lot of acting with facial expressions, not so much his voice, but his expressions did the job well.  His scene with Mirren and the car was delightful and funny.  I wouldn't  mind seeing those two pair up again later on.

Mary-Louise Parker as always is doing what she does best, bringing her A game to the table and acting it up the good actors surrounding her.  She more than holds her own, just like she did in the first movie, and just like she does in everything shes acts in.  Since her characters isn't a deadly assassin or a crack killer, she brings the outsider perspective to the movie, only this time around it isn't as a wide eyed wonder but more someone who wants to participate in adventure of the people around her.  This time around she knows what she's getting into and actually wants to go on that adventure. 

Bruce Willis is probably the only one that I would say that doesn't really do anything new here.  He's just playing a character he's played in every action movie he's been in before.  But then again Willis does this kind of thing in all of his action movie, so he's not really stretching himself here, and he knows it.  So he does what he does best and does it well.  One could make the argument, this is John McClane, if he had joined the spy world.

Here's hoping they bring back Karl Urban if they do a third movie as I think he teaming up with everyone else would be a good thing.

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