Monday, June 17, 2013

21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street directed by I don't know and I don't really care and after looking at the IMDB website there were two directors on this movie, which explains a lot. Staring John Hill (one of the most overrated actors/comedians in Hollywood that Hollywood keeps pushing on the public, as they keep putting him in about every movie known to man, doing their best to make him a star, when in fact if you're a star you don't need to be pushed in that direction your initial talent and charisma will take there, you don't have to led there) and Channing Tatum (another one of these "hot-young" actors that Hollywood keeps trying to make a star when in fact he hasn't done anything or been in anything that really amounts to much of anything, to even remotely put him in that star category, but for some reason Hollywood is going to keep pushing him on us until we see him as a star, which will work at least for a time, as it does with that atrocious show American Idol and the "winners".  Man I hate that Hollywood machine about as much as I hate the media and politicians). 

This movie ranks up there with Meet the Parents for me, in that as the movie progresses, I feel absolutely no sympathy at all for the main characters because of the decisions they make put them in the situations that turn out bad.  It was the same with Meet the Parents, the main character continued to keep lying all the time, so I never felt nothing for him when the situation went bad because he put himself in that situation.  This movie is the same way.  The main characters make so many stupid and down right idiotic decisions throughout this movie that I have no compassion or empathy for them at all when things go bad.  In fact I want them to get hurt or injured when things go wrong because of how stupid those choices were.  I don't feel sorry for a person or character when their choices (fully known to them) dictate the actions that now surround them. This happens a lot in 21 Jump Street and I never felt sorry for these characters and the situations they were in, when in fact I found myself rooting for the other people in the scenes and wanting the main characters to be handed their comeuppance, which in my limited knowledge of writing is never a good thing unless that's the intention of the writer and here it clearly wasn't. 

I mean these guys go through the movie blowing stuff up, wrecking up class rooms, throwing a party where high school students consume alcohol and drugs (and these are the cops/heroes/good guys), and generally doing all sorts of destruction to the city/school and no one seems to really care about it. This movie made me long for the good old days of Lethal Weapon where story line and characters actually mattered because in this movie they don't seem to matter at all. Like I've said before when has dick and fart jokes become the normal mode of comedy, it so lacks the wit and humor of how comedy used to be.  There's no subtlety anymore it's all in your face humor. Don't get me wrong there are some moments where I was laughing out loud, but those moments couldn't outweigh the extreme insanity of most of this movie that had me scratching my head in confusion at the inconsistencies on display. 

The one aspect of the movie I really liked the movie didn't explore it at all and that is the jock hanging out with the nerd students I generally found that interesting and actually a lot of stuff to the story line when the writers actually wanted to follow the story. 

How did this movie make as money as it did?

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