Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Seven Psychopaths

Seven Psychopaths starring Colin Farrell, Sam Rockwell, Woody Harrison, and Christopher Walken. 

Well first thing first: with a cast list like this, one expects a certain something from this movie, which is one of the reasons I gave this movie chance. I wouldn’t call these guys bone-a-fide movie stars but at the very least, these guys are more than good character actors, who can really act with just about anything given to them. Here is a few examples: Woody Harrison stole every scene he was in The Hunger Games and was flat out amazing in Zombie Land; Christopher Walken’s name speaks for itself now-a-days with whatever movie he’s in, he’s pretty much become a brand unto himself; Colin Farrell was amazing as Crockett in Miami Vice and the short part he had in Crazy Heart was subtle but yet commanding in those few scenes with Jeff Bridges (and that was Jeff Bridges he was acting with and holding his own); Sam Rockwell who is literally just amazing in everything he’s in (even that terrible movie Confessions of a Dangerous Mind which he was wonderful in despite the movie and the ball and chain actress, Julia Roberts, herself) he single handedly made that movie Moon since he was pretty much the only actor in the movie and yet he somehow managed to make that movie highly entertaining.  He pretty much stole every scene he was in in Galaxy Quest, and was flat out hilarious in The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (he sure has some fascination with movies that have galaxy in the title – I just noticed that). Anyway my point being with a cast of this nature this movie has to at least be seen because it should at the most be entertaining. 

It was very entertaining, definitely worth the time to watch it and these actors do not disappoint in this movie. They stand up and deliver some good performances. But some caution must be warranted here: it was very violent and very gory. This is by no means a classic movie but I would put it up there in the cult status category and in the hearts of some people where this movie will really connect. I won’t say it connected to me on the level, it's not that dear to my heart but as a cult status movie it is. I would watch it again. I would recommend it people to watch. It’s got a lot of memorable scenes and is a highly quotable movie. 

The movie itself is strange, as the story line is all over the place, not in a bad way, but in a way that could be annoying and at times almost veers on annoyance. But once it starts to go down this annoying side road the movie will do something unexpected that will keep you watching. It won’t be something so unexpected, as to not be believable, or seem like some kind of cheap gimmick, as it pertains to the story or character, but it’ll be something that fits in with the movie and characters. That was one of the things I really liked about it, how the movie dared to take risks and dared to be different. Another thing this movie has going for it is the Meat aspect of the movie.  Which is a word used and thrown around a lot in Hollywood when it wants to thinks it’s being pretty clever.  But really their just being pretentious.  Charlie Kaufman is infamous for this but I felt it was more earned with this movie than that overrated piece of crap Scream.  Here it’s used right but I won’t say more on that subject, just watch the movie and be highly entertained.

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